
I Heart Client Testimonials...

This week I received 5 (yes, FIVE!) testimonials from recent bridal clients.  If that isn't amazing for one week, I am not sure what is. I am so grateful to have such wonderful clients, who truly appreciate my work.  Thank you so much ladies! You make me love what I do for a living. :-)

Check out 3 of the 5 new testimonials on my website:


Thank You, Thank You, THANK YOU!


Welcome to Lena Petridis Makeup Artistry... THE BLOG.

This blog is dedicated to my passion for makeup artistry and the beauty industry.  I will continuously update this page with product reviews, makeup tips and the latest industry trends. I will also chime in from time to time to share my latest projects, insights to the industry and also share a thought or two.

My goal is to make this blog an informative and an enjoyable "go-to" for all who share the same love for makeup artistry and beauty as I do.

